“A vehicle wrap? Seriously?”
Many of our customers find themselves asking this question. It just wasn’t on their radar when they set out to launch their marketing campaign. If it was on the list, it was way at the bottom, under “other,” “miscellaneous”, or just “???”.
We get it. It’s easy to think of wraps as being the norm for someone else’s industry, or to discount the idea as too big, difficult or expensive.
But there’s a reason why vehicle wrapping is a $6.9 billion industry and counting (that’s right, we’re talking BILLIONS). It’s not because companies love throwing money away. It’s because those billions earn back billions more.
Imagine having a billboard that you only pay for once, which you can put anywhere you want, and that lasts for up to five years. (Enough said on that topic?)
Advertising should never be assessed in terms of how much it costs, but rather, how much it pays. Buying one view for 35 cents will pay you back a thousand; that ratio beats billboards, television, radio, newspaper and magazine advertising.
We don’t take major investments any more lightly than you do. Working with us on your vehicle wrap means having the opportunity to learn all about this fascinating process. From discussing design to choosing materials to watching it all come together, you’ll discover you’re invested in more than a product. You’ll have partners dedicated to seeing your business soar.
The possibility of turning your dreams of business growth into reality is worth a conversation, isn’t it? We’ll confirm your confidence in us every step of the way.
Just be prepared. That marketing to-do list is going to look pretty different by the time we’re done.