The old adage is that “the customer is always right.” If you provide a service for others, you probably raise an eyebrow when you hear that phrase. That’s not surprising.

Think about this, though: the people who should be most critical of the idea that customers are infallible are … customers. If you’re seeing a dentist, who do you think should know better? Maybe that one is too obvious. How about a hairdresser? Or a bank teller?

(Or, you know … your friendly neighborhood promotional product and signage professional? Wink, wink.)

The only situation in which the customer should be “always right” is when he’s suffering through dealing with a poor service provider. We want you to take comfort in knowing that you don’t have to be on your guard with us. You don’t have to be right, because when it comes to developing your brand, we know what we’re doing.

We promise NOT to treat you like you’re always right.

  • We won’t keep quiet if we think your design needs improvement.
  • We won’t let you wrap your vehicle in shoddy materials.
  • We won’t watch you blow out your budget on the wrong products.
  • We won’t let you spend too little on a campaign too small to be effective.

Instead, we’ll treat you as a partner who does know one thing better than we do. You know yourself, your history, your company’s DNA. Even the best pros can’t work their magic without the value of your input. We’ll trust you to give us the tools if you trust us to use them.

We think it’s time for a new saying. How’s this?

“Together, we always get it right.”


Download this informative guide about vehicle wraps and learn how to literally drive ROI in 6 months or less!!
