Starocket Media is a great place to start your holiday shopping because we offer high-quality canvas photos … but what should go in those pictures? If you don’t already have photos in mind, here are a few ideas to get you started.

1. Photograph your favorite people. Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman of the blog A Beautiful Mess (and the photo idea book of the same name) say that to make shots of the favorite people in your life interesting, try different angles, highlight their best features, use props and capture in-between moments. Sometimes the best family photos aren’t staged. Instead, all it takes is knowing how beautiful someone’s smile is and tossing out a good joke with your camera ready.

2. Follow a few basic rules. The tech exploration site offers a few photography tips for beginners, and we’ll pass along a very important one here. Especially if you plan to transfer your image to canvas, make sure you are taking it in full resolution. If you want to drop the quality (file size) to make it easier to send over email, do that on the computer after you’ve uploaded the full size image.

3. Find inspiration. You might be tempted to think your photos are somehow worth less if the idea isn’t completely original, but that only matters if you’re a professional photographer. If you like a concept someone else has used and you want to borrow it for your own holiday photos, go for it! This article from is a great place to start.
Once you’ve got your high resolution, inspired shots of the favorite people in your life, just come back here and we’ll do the rest!

Happy Holidays from all of us at Starocket Media!


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