By the time small business owners call us they have already recognized the value of having a mobile billboard. Why not proudly display your logo and contact information all around town?

It would be a no-brainer if it wasn’t for that pesky little detail: cost.

Even after the conversation about the huge potential for ROI (97% recall rate!!), it still may not be feasible for some small businesses to outright purchase a vehicle wrap at the level of quality they want or need.

So we got to wondering … what can we do to help make wraps possible for small businesses?

Oddly enough, we came up with the idea of helping you buy a new car to go with it. That may seem counterintuitive, but this sort of outside-the-box thinking may just be the best move for your business.

We have been working diligently to build relationships with central Indiana car dealerships who understand that for you, a vehicle purchase is not just luxury. It’s an investment in your business that brings you one step closer to realizing your dreams.

Through these partnerships we can offer an innovative financing package that provides your business with a new vehicle worthy of the brand wrapped around it without a hefty down payment.

How do we do it?

Step 1: Contact us. We need to talk not only about wrap design but what type of vehicle makes the most sense for your business.

Step 2: We contact our partners. Starocket Media has hand-picked area dealerships that understand small business needs and will deal fairly with our clients.

Step 3: We assist you with your purchase. Putting together a financing plan that takes your marketing investment into account is a team effort.

Step 4: We wrap your new vehicle.

Step 5: You watch the business roll in.

Think about it. When you’re ready to hear more about how this idea could work for you, just give us a buzz. We’ll be excited to hear from you!

Fill out the form below and we’ll contact you!


Download this informative guide about vehicle wraps and learn how to literally drive ROI in 6 months or less!!
