Imagine you own a plumbing company. (If you do, this is going to be really easy!) It’s the end of the day and for some reason you feel like it could have gone better.

You think back.

You drove to work early this morning and the phone started ringing. A leaky faucet, a stuck p-trap, a running toilet. Not high revenue jobs, but you took them on because you needed to fill your calendar. You loaded up the truck and headed out.

The morning rush hour hit. You were a little nervous as you were stuck in traffic, but you made it on time to your first appointment.

Seemed like nothing but red lights on the way to your second job, and this time, you were later than you wanted to be. But all went well. Another happy customer.

You went through a drive-thru to pick up lunch and ate it in the parking lot. You took about an hour and a half. Your phone rang once; it turned out to be a job for the next morning.

By the end of the day you’d worked nine hours and made a small profit. You even have a couple of jobs already lined up for tomorrow. Not a bad day.

So what’s the problem?

Your blank white truck, that’s what!

There were three people on the road on your way to work who were new to town and needed a plumber. A driver behind you during rush hour had a leaky water heater at home. While you were eating lunch no less than fifteen people drove by you worrying about their slow drains.

Get it?

Call Starocket Media today about turning your truck into a mobile billboard, and don’t miss out on easy leads tomorrow!


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