Joe Dargo of ACE Construction & Remodeling has been a family friend for years. He had seen our designs time and again on a van wrap here, a truck wrap there out on the road. So, when he started asking me what wrapping a truck cost, I knew he would trust me with his investment.

We recommended the ACE logo be updated so he could stay competitive. As it was, the logo looked as dated as smaller, less reputable construction companies. Joe agreed. While we stuck to a similar palette of red, white, black and grey, we removed the yellow and gave the logo a more modern look.

To date, we have done one van wrap and four trucks for ACE. Slight alterations had to be made for placement, but all five vehicles now have a consistent, fresh, modern look. If you ask Joe how much wrapping a truck cost him, he’ll ask you, “How much would it have cost me not to wrap it?”


Download this informative guide about vehicle wraps and learn how to literally drive ROI in 6 months or less!!
