The Burke’s are a family of creative businessmen. Jeff owns several businesses, his son Michael owns a RE/MAX realty group, and Michael’s brother Brennon had a unique idea. He bought a bus and converted it into a limo bus. It looked amazing on the inside. It just needed an awesome bus wrap to match.

This was a unique situation. To maximize both the look and cost effectiveness of wrapping so much surface area, Brennon agreed to paint it black so we could use that as a background for a partial bus wrap. We just needed to figure out the design.

I hired Lorri Markum, a photographer well-known in the music industry. Brennon got some beer and drove his friends around town while Lorri took shots for us to use in the bus wrap design. The finished product was one of the coolest bus wraps you’ll ever see, showing you the party you’re missing inside!


Download this informative guide about vehicle wraps and learn how to literally drive ROI in 6 months or less!!
