Imagine watching those IndyCars coming around for the second to last pass at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. They’re jockeying for position. Rubber screeches on pavement. You see the driver you’ve been rooting for hit top gear and pull into the lead.

Then, as they all go screeching by a terrible thing happens. All those miles traveling excess of 230 mph suddenly take their toll.

Sheer air resistance has ripped off all the wraps.

Where’s your driver? They’re coming around for the last lap … WHO WON?!!

Okay, it’s a little far-fetched (especially because the major IndyCar teams usually contract with their paint sponsors, but that’s beside the point). Could they be wrapped? Have they been wrapped? YES and YES.

So how do you keep this race-goer nightmare scenario from happening? More importantly, how do we fortify your professional vehicle wrap for the long haul?

1. Start with winner material.

We use the best vinyl in the business from manufacturers 3M and Avery and hand pick from a selection of hundreds the best type to mold to the specific contours of your company vehicles. Any loose, bubbling surface is susceptible to tearing or losing adhesion.

2. Trace smooth lines.

When we do our job right you’ll have no idea the graphics are printed on multiple sheets of vinyl. We slightly overlap them, each just over the sheet behind, so airflow actually reinforces the adhesion. We have to use precise measurements to ensure continuous lines from sheet to sheet.

3. Hug the corners.

We take the time to wrap edges like mirrors, doors and the hood where it meets the headlights for two reasons: that’s how you create a superior paint-like finish (minus the expensive paint job), and that’s how you make that finish last for years.

Wrapping your vehicle is a longer term marketing investment than 500 laps in one afternoon. That’s why you’re taking it at least as seriously as an IndyCar driver. That’s why we do, too.


Download this informative guide about vehicle wraps and learn how to literally drive ROI in 6 months or less!!
